Created in New Jersey in 2007 by Anwar Carrots with his friends Joshton Peas and Casey Veggies, Peas & Carrots International was formed spawning a cult following of the rising subculture streetwear collective. Renowned for his dynamic approach to aesthetics both in personal style and creative output, Anwar has become an entrepreneurial pioneer of the next generation of Los Angeles creatives and fashion artists of street culture and music. Revolutionizing his style, Anwar started the colorful, pop graphic fueled eponymous streetwear brand, "Carrots by Anwar Carrots" which launched at the scion a/v retail Alberta space in March of 2015.
Carrots Signature T-Shirt
£54.99 -
Carrots Signature T-Shirt
£54.99 -
Carrots Signature T-Shirt
£54.99 -
Carrots Wordmark T-Shirt
£54.99 -
Carrots Wordmark T-Shirt
£54.99 -
Carrots Wordmark T-Shirt
£54.99 -
Carrots Wordmark Sweatpants
£129.99 -
Carrots Wordmark Sweatpants
£129.99 -