adidas originals x sean wotherspoon adidas originals shoes ftwwht ftwwht owhite | Complaints

We do our best to ensure that the products (goods) we offer are of the highest quality. However, if you find that the goods are not in conformity with the contract before the expiration of 2 years from receipt, you can file a complaint.

If you have bought a product (goods) from our store and it is not in conformity with the contract, your rights are defined in the Law of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights.

If you bought a product (goods) before 1.01.2023 and it has a defect, the principles of the seller's responsibility and your rights are set out in the Act of April 23, 1964 - Civil Code (warranty).


How to report a complaint?

adidas Originals logo on the left side:

I) Carefully fill out the complaint form available here. The use of our complaint form is not mandatory, you can Rose us an application that you prepare yourself.

II) Rose an e-mail to:, enclosing:

- a completed claim form (preferably in PDF format),

- a photo of the proof of purchase (e.g. receipt, VAT invoice),  

- clear photos of: (1) non-conformity of the goods with the contract (defect) and (2) the entire product.

III) Expect to hear from you - within 14 days of receiving the e-mail with the complaint, you will receive a message from us with a decision on the processing of the complaint.



We do not guarantee the goods we sell. However, some of them may be covered by a manufacturer's or distributor's warranty. In this case, your rights under the warranty are defined in each case by the warranty document attached to the goods or made available in another form by the manufacturer or distributor.



Remember, as a consumer, you can also use out-of-court complaint and claim procedures – specific information can be found in regulations.